橙子出国最新ACT 52真题题库

My brother like country music, ______ I like pop music.






The children like most his () way of writing.






She _________ the phone rings and went on writing.

A. overlook

B. ignored

C. disregard

D. convey


Henry James adopts international themes in his fiction writing.()



The old lady felt very ____when her daughter forgot her birthday.






Soonvip更新更快 出分更稳 助橙ACT 小程序1 / 5Exam:Soonvip - 52Time:2009-12Version:DEMOPART 1 - 英语Passage IThe Tale of The Tale of GenjiMurasaki Shikibu, an aristocratic Japanese woman was born in Kyoto, Japan, around AD 973. Like most ladies of that period who served in the court of the empress, Lady Murasaki was likely accomplished in both music and writing. However, her writing was not limited to the traditional poetry was expected of cultured women of that time. She wrote a long work of fiction, The Tale of Genji, which not only is still read today and has been called the world's first great novel.Although little is known of the events of her life, but scholars speculate that Lady Murasaki began writing her fiction before she came into the service of the Empress Akiko. Since the "grand ladies" of the court thought literature important, perhaps Murasaki's writing was the reason she was summoned to court. Instead, she completed most of the stories of the life of Genji while both serving the empress and observed the activities and attitudes of court society.The fifty-four-chapter book, which takes place over almost three-quarters of a century, describes the life and loves of a Prince Genji and the lives of there children and grandchildren. Although other fiction was written during this period, Murasaki's work went beyond the usual style. Instead of using the flat characterizations and fairy-tale predicaments of the typical romance, Murasaki portrayed believable people in daily situations. Recent critics have been astonished at the modern character of the tale.In the more than one thousand years since The Tale of Genji was written, it has been translatedinto over thirty languages and has appeared in a varicty of formats. In the twelfth century, the tale was illustrated with picture scrolls; in the seventeenth century, books of wood-block prints based on the tale was produced. (13)Today, Lady Murasaki's eleventh-century tale can even be read online at a Web site provided by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.(14)1.A. NO CHANGEB. Shikibu an aristocratic Japancsc woman,C. Shikibu, an aristocratic Japanese woman,D. Shikibu an aristocratic Japancsc womanAnswer:B2.A. NO CHANGEB. that they were servingC. which servedD. ServedAnswer:A3.A. NO CHANGEB. ExpectedC. ExpectingD. that expectedAnswer:B4.A. NO CHANGEB. WhileC. but alsoD. so itAnswer:C5.A. NO CHANGEB. While littleC. Even t、hough littleD. LittleAnswer:DPART 2 - 数学1.| 4 - 1 | - | 1 - 4 | = ?A. -6B. -3C. -2D. 0E. 6Answer:D2. When y = 2x + 1 and y = 3, which of the following is the value of x ?A. 2B. 1C. -1D. -2E. -5Answer:D              、                       3.To attend an annual banquet, members pay $16 per ticket while nonmembers pay $22 ticket. What is the total amount, in dollars, from the sale of 80 member tickets and n nonmember tickets?A. 22n + 16(80

When the old lady is alone in the house, her dog makes her feel ________ and relaxed.






advice on how to improve our writing. If (可能), we may leave 83.

 83. possible

According to the speaker, who is most likely to become a victim of pickpockets?

A.A woman whose bag is hanging in front.

B.A lone female with a handbag at her right side.

C.An old lady carrying a handbag on the left.

D.A mother with a baby in her arms.

解析:根据My preferred target was the lone female,handbag at her side,the right side to be exact.可知答案为B。

听力原文:M: Did you buy a birthday present for your sister, Susan?

W: Not yet, but I've been thinking about getting her a tape. She is fond of classical music.

Q: Which tape would Susan like best?


A.The Best of Jazz.

B.Classical Favorites.

C.Christmas Carols.

D.Rock Music Collection.

解析:事实细节题。对话中男士问女士是否为妹妹买了生日礼物? 女士回答:还没有,但是她一直想给妹妹买盒磁带,因为妹妹喜欢古典音乐(She is fond of classical music)。可知答案为B。

Field is related to how we communicate, through speech or writing.()


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