
(),we could not have finished the work on time.

A.If they do not help us

B.Was it not for their help

C.Should they offer to help us

D.But for their help


We are _________ pleased to be able to help.

A. only

B. to

C. only to

D. only too


)22. What can we learn about the teacher from the passage?

The teacher is a kind -teacher.

②The teacher never scolds his students.

③The teacher works very hard.

④The teacher likes to help his students.

A.①②③ B.①③④ C.①②③④

22.B【解析】由“He scold us when-----”可知②说法错误,因此选B。

Passage Two

When we see well, we do not think about our eyes very often. It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are.

People who are nearsighted can only see things that are very close to their eyes. Everything else is not so clear. Many people who do a lot of close work, such as writing, reading and sewing, become near sighted. Then they have to wear glasses in order to see distant (远处的) things clearly'.

People who are nearsighted suffer from just the opposite problem. They can see things that are far away, but they have difficulty in reading a book unless they hold it at arm's length. If they want to do much reading, they must get glasses, too.

Other people do not see clearly because their eyes are not exactly the right shape. They have what is called astigmatism (散光). This, too, can be corrected by glasses. Some people's eyes become cloudy because of cataracts (白内障). Long ago these people often became blind. Now, however, it is possible to operate on the cataracts and remove them.

Having two good eyes is important for judging distances. Each eye sees things from a slightly different angle (角度). To prove this to yourself, look at an object out of one eye; then look at the same object out

of the other eye. You will find the object's relation to the background (背景) and other things around it has changed. The difference between these two different eye views helps us to judge how far away an object is. People who have only one eye cannot judge distance as people with two eyes.

40. We should take good care of our eyes ______.

A. only when we cannot see perfectly

B. only when we can see well

C. even if we can see well

D. only when we realize how important our eyes are


    40.答案为C  此考题为推理题。根据作者在第1段第2句所表达的,等到我们两眼视力下降了我们才认识到眼睛的重要性,我们就可断定C正确。

Only by teaching students how to navigate can we help them survive in the ocean of information.()



2009高考英语经典题名师详解 Nowthat you like the personal computer very much, isn t it a good idea to get one?Well, I d like to but I can t afford _ A_ computer at present.A. that expensive a B. a such cheap C. that an expensiveD. so cheap解析:本题考查多个形容词修饰名词的顺序We are only glad to do anything we can A her.A. too, to help B. very, help C. too, help D. very, helping解析:本题we can做后置定语,不定式做目的状语。3.In order not to be disturbed, I spent three days _D_ up inmy study.A. locking B. being locked C. to look D. locked解析:本题D是过去分词做状语,方式状语且表示被动Being lazy Peter his job.A. lost B. cost C. took D. made解析:本题中cost是付出代价的意思。Tom sat under a tree and seeing his friend, C_ up in no time.A. to stand B. standing C. stood D. would stand解析:C审案是前后事态的一致性I don t really work here; I _ C_ until the new secretary arrives.A. just help out B. have just helped outC. am just helping out D. will just help out解析:本题是现在进行时态表示将来时态,进行时态表示动作一直持续到未来,Books are the important records we keep_B_ main s thoughts, ideas and feelings.A. up B. of C. for D. on 解析:keep records of 记录。He did it_D_ it took me.A. one-third a time B. one-third timeC. the one-third time D. one-third the time解析:one-third the time 做时间状语,it took me 做定语9.C _left before the deadline, it doesn t seem likelythat John will finish the job.A. Though such a short time B. Because such a short timeC. With such a short time D. As such a short time解析:本题是with引导的独立主格,with+主语+分词结构.Could you _C_ this 10-dollar bill so I can make a phone call?A.divideB.tearC.breakD.cut解析:break把钱化开The singer hasn t performed in public for over 5 years. _B_, she is very popular with young people.A.But B.stillC.Otherwise D.Therefore解析:横线前后存在逗号故不选A11. Most people in that area objected with little effect_D_a golf playground there.A. to build B. of building C. to have built D. to building 解析:object to doing sth 反对做某事 13._A_ running,learning English needs will.A.As with B.As toC.As forD.Asif 解析:as with:与. 一样 例: Smiling, as with happiness or optimism. 满面春风的微笑,如带着欢悦的或乐观的The headmaster has got a good education _D_ so the school is doing well.A.thought B.thinking C.idea D.sense 解析:教育理念。idea意思是“观点;想法”,多指人所想出的主 意;sense意思是“认识;意识”,多指观念。thought意思是“思 想;认识,thinking 意思是“想;思考” 15.Why is he always forcing his daughter to practise playing the piano if she is not _AB_ for a pianist?A. meant B.intended C. trained D. asked解析:be meant for =be intended for 打算 给。预 备,例: The house is intended meanted for his son.Now Robert, a football fan in our class, _B rome ofhis daily allowance given by his parents in order to buy a new football.A.is giving awayB.is throwing away C.is puttingaway D.is taking away解析:give away丢掉舍弃这里理解为放弃。-Those shoes wont C_for mountain-climbing.-this pair be OK?A.help;Shall B.work; MayC.do;W川D.g、et;Would解析:do for 适合。32 . I should very much like to have gone to the party, but_D_.A.Im not invitedB.I wont be among theinvitedC.they wont invite meD.they didnt invite meThe Great Wall was built to keep _B the invaders.A. in B. out C. up D. offIf we can keep _C_ this speed, well arrive there in two、 or three hours.A. on B. to C. up D. at解析:keep to 遒守,keep at继续、坚持;keep up保持73. We hope that she will _D_ soon.A. returns back B. reach to homeC. reach for D. pull through 解析:pull through度过难关。I D_ too much reading.A. am tiring B. tired out because of C. am tired out inD. tired myself out with解析:be ti

The price you quoted is so high that we () help ()this transaction.

A、can…to cancel



D、can't…to cancel


We should very much like to help you in this matter, but we have already cut our prices down to the absolute minimum.We think you will find that our competitors are offering a product of considerably lower quality in order to compete at this price.(英译中)


The joke was so funny that we ().

A、couldn t help laugh

B、couldn t help laughing

C、couldn t help but to laugh

D、can t but laugh



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You can help people in many ways. Schools need help with taking care of children while parents are working. Hospitals need volunteers to look after children while their parents are seeing a doctor. Animal lovers can help take care of those dogs and cats without homes. There is something for everyone.

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If everyone helps out a bit, we’ll have a better world to live in. Interested? Call us 1-800-555-5756 or visit our website: www.activol.com.

51.When do the volunteers help others?

A.In their spare time. B.At weekends C.On weekdays. D.In the evenings.


We are glad to be doing business with you. Jennifer Owens will be your _______ contact for all incoming materials and orders. If you have a question about payment, contact Ms. Simpson in our accounting office. She will help you sort the matter out. Again, welcome aboard. If there is anything we can do to help facilitate this new relationship, please do not hesitate to ask.



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考题 资料:When we see well,we do not think about our eyes very often. It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are. People who are near-sighted can only see things that are very close to their eyes,Everything else seems blurry(=unclear).Many people who do a lot of work,such as writing,reading and sewing become near-sighted. People who are far-sighted suffer from just the opposite problem. They can see things that are far away,but they have difficulty in reading a book unless they hold it at arm’s length. If they want to do much reading,they must get glasses,too. Other people do not see clearly because their eyes are not exactly the right shape. They have what is called astigmatism. This,too,can be corrected by glasses. Some people’s eyes become cloudy because of cataracts. Long ago these people often became blind. Now,however,it is possible to operate on the cataracts and remove them. Having two good eyes is important for judging distances. Each eye sees things from a slightly different angle. To prove this to yourself,look at an object out of one eye;Then look at the same object out of your other eye. You will find the object’s relation to the background and other things around it has changed. The difference between these two different eye views helps us to judge how far away an object is. People who have only one eye cannot judge distance as people with two eyes.We should take good care of our eyes______. A.even if we can see well B.only when we cannot see perfectly C.only when we realize how important our eyes are D.only when we can see well答案:A解析:本题考查的是细节理解。 【关键词】take good care of;our eyes【主题句】第1自然段When we see well,we do not think about our eyes very often. It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are. 当我们看东西很清楚的时候,我们不经常想到我们的眼睛。只有当我们无法完美地看到时,我们才意识到我们的眼睛多么重要。【解析】本题的问题是“我们应该好好保护我们的眼睛________”A选项“即使我们能看得很清楚”;B选项“当我们无法完美地看到时”;C选项“只有当我们意识到我们的眼睛有多重要时”;D选项“只有在我们能够看得出来的时候”。根据主题句分析可知,我们无论何时都要保护好眼睛,不要在看不清的时候才意识到严重性,故A选项符合题意。

考题 共用题干 Looking to help the environment?Consider the following simple ideas.Turn off electrical devices when they're not being used.Turning off,rather than leaving on stand-by,things like your TV and computer will save huge amounts of energy. With this,we can all help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the earth's atmosphere,thereby reducing pollution and global warming.Share your car.Rather than traveling to work alone,why not arrange car-sharing with one or more of your friends or colleagues?To give you an example,if you drive a fashionable car,you will use more energy in a year than you would leaving your fridge open for seven years,or your TV on for thirty-two years!Imagine the savings if you shared your car with 2,3 or even 4 other people!Refuse junk mail.While we all complain about how much junk mail we get,we very rarely do anything about it. The mail continues to go straight from our letter-boxes into the garbage bin-with 99% of it not even opened.What can you do about this?There are various websites where you can register to receive no junk mail.As well as saving time,you'll also be doing a lot for the environment. Each year,100 million trees are used to produce junk mail. 250,000 homes could be heated with one day's supply of junk mail.There are many other everyday changes you can make to help the environment. They will cost you nothing,and many will actually save you money!Why not give it a try?We can all help, if we really want to. The only drawback of junk mail is that it wastes out time.A: RightB: WrongC: Not mentioned答案:B解析:关闭不用的电视和电脑可以节约大量的能源。本句话和文章第一个小标题下的内容相一致:切断你家中类似电视和电脑等电器的电源,不要让它们时刻处于待用状态,这样会节省大量能源。和冰箱、电视相比,开车浪费很多能源。根据Share your car那一段中:当你驾驶着你的时髦小桥车时,你消耗的能源比打开冰箱门7年,或让电视一直开犯年所耗的能源还要多。可以推断出作者是在暗示和冰箱、电视相比,开车浪费很多能源。因为汽车非常浪费能源,所以我们不应该买车。该文章中并未涉及这一内容。99%的垃圾信件没有被打开就被扔进了垃圾箱。根据Refuse junk mail那一段的第二句话:垃圾信件还是被我们从信箱中取出然后直接扔到垃圾箱,其中99%的信件甚至从未打开过。可以推断出本句话是正确的。垃圾邮件的唯一缺陷就是它浪费了我们的时间。根据文章中第四段的最后两句话:这样在节省时间的同时,我们也为环保做出巨大贡献。每年都会有一亿裸树被砍伐来制造垃圾信件。可以得出本句话是错误的。要保护环境,我们必须要花好多的钱。本句话和文章最后一段第二句话相矛盾:这些改变其实不花费我们任何精力,其中许多还可以为我们省钱。因此是错误的。即使我们想做些改变去帮助改善环境,我们也无能为力。根据文章最后一句话可以得知只要我们愿意去做,我们都可以做到,本句话和文中内容矛盾,因此本句话是错误的。