
45. A. killed B. hurt C. saved D. made


-------He says that my new car is a ____________ of money.

-------Don’t you think those words are just sour grapes?

A. lack B. load C. question D. waste


“it made sense”probably means ______.

A. it c wasorrect B. it was strange

C. it was funny D. it was sweet


Using fiber optic cable, optical communications have enabled telecommunication (93) to be made over much greater distances and (94)much lower levels of(95)in the transmission medium and possibly most important of all, optical fiber communications have enabled much higher data rates to be accommodated

A. links B. lines C. circuits D. devices A. through B. from C. at D. with A. dispersion B. loss C. noise D. data rate


● Maintenance activities include(74).

①making enhancements to software products

②developing a new software product

③correcting problems

④adapting products to new environments







2010年英语(二)试题参考答案Section I Use of English1. D. designated2. C. followed3. B. numbers4. A. moderate5. A. with6. B. absence7. D. notice8. C. among9. B. crop up10. A. as11. C. significant12. D. samples13. D. infected14. A. released15. C. taking16. B. available17. D. initial18. C. recommended19. A. problems 20. B. caring for Section Reading ComprehensionPart AText121. D. it was successfully made just before the world financial crisis22. A. collectors were no longer actively involved in art-market auctions23. B. The art market surpassed many other industries in momentum.24. C. factors promoting artwork circulation25. C. Art Market in Decline Text226. A. Talking to them.27. C. causing damage 28. B. nearly 50 percent of recent divorces are caused by failed conversation29. D. Conversational patterns between man and wife are different.30. B. a detailed description of the stereotypical cartoonText331. A. should be further cultivated32. A. reveal their impact on peoples habits33. D. Unilever34. C. commercial promotions 35. B. negative Text436. D. judgment should consider the opinion of the public37. A. the inadequacy of anti-discrimination laws38. C. they were supposed to perform domestic duties39. B. educational requirements became less rigid in the selection of federal jurors40. D. its tradition and developmentPart B41. F42. T43. F44. T45. FSection Translation46.最近,“承受力”成了一个流行词,但对Ted Ning 来说,他对其含义有自己亲身的体会。在经历了一段无法承受的痛苦生活后,他清楚地认识到,旨在提高承受力的价值观只有通过每日的行为和抉择才能得到体现。Ning回忆起90年代后期销售保险那困惑的一年。在经历了网络泡沫的膨胀和破灭后,他急需找到一份工作,因此就与Boulder公司签了约。但情况并不会顺利。“这的确是糟糕的一步,因为它激不起我的工作热情。”Ning说。不出所料,工作上的进退维谷造成销售业绩不佳。“我很痛苦,愁肠百结,常常在半夜惊醒,望着天花板发愣。我身无分文,需要这份工作。大家都说,等等看,过一段时间情况会好转的。”Section IV WritingPart A47. (略)Part B48. (略)

20. Among employees __________, the support for the change is zero. A. at length B. at last C. at large D. at best

C     employees at large 大多数员工

Dyslexia is a problem that restricts the ability to recognize words and connect sounds with letters when people read. People with this learning disorder may also have problems when they write. Dyslexia is not related to eyesight or intelligence. The problem involves areas of the brain that process language. Brain scientists are studying whether they can predict which young children may struggle with reading to provide them with early help. John Gabrieli at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is leading the study of five-year-olds in about twenty schools in the Boston area.

They studied in the schools with kindergartens. And for all the children joining in the study, they give them a brief set of paper-and-pencil tests to look at which children appear to be at some risk for struggling to read. So far, fifty of them have been examined in a scanner, a specialmachine, to show brain activity. Written tests are not always able to identify dyslexia or otherproblems, while brain scans may offer a more scientific way to identify problems. And with reading problems, early identification is important. When it comes to helping children overcome reading difficulties, the younger the child, the more effective they are.

Reading problems are not usually identified until a child is in the third or fourth grade. The later children are recognized as poor readers, the less treatment can help. And, as Professor Gabrieli points out, poor reading can make education a struggle. Reading is everything. Even math and science have textbooks.

While the children are given tasks related to reading, the brain scans measure the extent to which certain parts of the brain become active while the children do the work. The scientists say they are pleased with early results from the study, but have a long way to go.

1.Dyslexia affects the part of brain concerning ________.

A. eyesight B. intelligence C. language D. emotion

2.Dyslexia problems are more likely to be identified through ________.

A. speech contests B. reading efficiency

C. listening comprehension D. brain scans

3.According to the passage, which of the followings has the best time to overcome reading difficulties?

A. Tom, a boy in the kindergarten.

B. Kate, a high school leaver.

C. Jane, a primary school student.

D. Steve, a man in his thirties.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. An effective way to identity Dyslexia at an early stage.

B. A learning disorder involving one’s intelligence.

C. Dyslexia — a problem affecting one’s reading and writing.

D. A possible solution to the problems related to Dyslexia.


susan cleveland is the young president of a candy company in the city of chicago. her father began the company in the 1960's.he died three years ago. now, the company belongs to susan.susan, (1) , did not have any jobs before becoming head of the company. she just finished the college.the employees(雇员) became (2) ”what does a “short leash”mean? a leash is a kind of rope. (3) the job. mr. cleveland had been a (4) leader.but susan permitted 5 employees to make their own( 6) . oneemployee said, “old mr. cleveland (7) told us what to do. he kept people on a short leash. (8) the company did well.we use a leash (9)our pet dogs. the leash keeps the dog from (10 )away( 11) getting into trouble. concerned during susan's first monthskeeping a person on a short leash means keeping him or her (12) close control. the person can't make many decisions forhimself or herself. ms cleveland does not keep her workers on a short leash.( 13) , she encourages them to get (14) ways todo business. for example, her secretary proposed( 建议) an idea. she said the company should (15) a sum of money as aprize to the best student in the high school (16) the factory. the winner could use the prize money to study at auniversity. ms cleveland (17) the idea. after the prize was announced, (18) who lived in the area of the factory began tobuy (19) of the company's candy. local newspapers wrote about the competition. business (20 ).ms cleveland made her secretary the company's first director of public relations. the former secretary was very pleased.

1. a. but b. yet c. so d. however

2. a. so little b. even less c. even more d. no more

3. a. on b. in c. for d. at

4. a. weak b. strong c. kind d. clever

5. a. no b. a few c. few d. many

6. a. products b. candy c. decisions d. plans

7. a. never b. always c. seldom d. did

8. a. although b. because c. otherwise d. but

9. a. to walk b. to use c. to frighten d. to play

10. a. stepping b. pulling c. running d. jumping

11. a. in b. for c. when d. or

12. a. in b. on c. for d. under

13. a. still b. yet c. instead d. while

14. a. other b. more c. many d. better

15. a. save b. offer c. get d. lend

16. a. belonging to b. far from c. near d. in

17. a. studied b. appreciated c. refused d. changed

18. a. students b. workers c. businessmen d. people

19. a. some b. little c. more d. less

20. a. improved b. failed c. continued d. stopped

参考答案:1-5 DCABD 6-10 CBDAC 11-15 DDCDB 16-20 CBDCA

If traffic problems are not solved soon,driving in this city ______ impossible. A. become B. becomes C. will become D. has become


Most Americans would prefer to keep their problems ________ themselves, and solve their problems ______ themselves.

A. to; by B. by; to C. for; to D. in; on


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考题 1992 -20. 1993 -20.以下何脉不主宿食 A.紧脉 B.促脉 C.结脉 D.滑脉 E.涩脉答案:C解析:。紧脉主实寒证,疼痛,宿食;促脉主阳热亢盛,瘀滞,痰食停滞,脏气衰败;滑脉主痰湿,食积,实热,青壮年,孕妇;涩脉主精伤,血少,气滞,血瘀,痰食内停;而结脉主阴盛气结,寒痰淤血,气血虚衰。

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考题 问答题Passage 1  What is the substance of discovery? Can we obtain the experience of 1 who discover and make their work generally 2 or must each generation of scientists and inventors 3 again? Why do some scientists burn out 4 young while others remain creative 5 old age? Why are so many discoveries and inventions 6 by those who work in poorly funded institutions? 7 scientists have no idea how they do science 8 historians of science have no idea how scientists do science, then who does?  The strange thing is that we 9 as if discovery were the inevitable by-product 10_well-organized research programs and as if the 11 management techniques appropriate to 12 bridges, motorways and power stations were 13 to the generation of new ideas. We 14 of cost-effective science and of 15 resources into centers of excellence. By 16 such ideas to their conclusion, however, we 17 reduce the gene bank of cultural diversity to such a(n) 18 that we would produce only scientific clones-specialist technicians at 19 -whose imaginative powers, never awaked. 20 , planned research is essential, and scared resources need saving but, since science is essentially a journey into the unknown, there must be a place for occasional detours to examine the unexpected.1. A. them      B. which    C. those     D. people2. A. available   B. free     C. open     D. convenient3. A. absorb     B. learn    C. practice   D. understand4. A. at       B. by      C. from     D. when5. A. into      B. as      C. even if    D. though6. A. collected   B. made     C. caused    D. produced7. A. when      B. Since    C. If      D. As8. A. yet      B. but     C. also     D. and9. A. act      B. function   C. appear    D. perform10. A. in      B. by      C. of      D. for11. A. aim      B. project   C. assignment  D. activity12. A. build     B. building   C. building of  D. the building13. A. applicable  B. right    C. accurate   D. just14. A. consider   B. argue    C. talk     D. examine15. A. fastening   B. making    C. fixing    D. concentrating16. A. observing   B. chasing   C. following   D. obeying17. A. might     B. must     C. should    D. can18. A. range     B. spread    C. stretch    D. extent19. A. last     B. large    C. best     D. length20. A. However    B. Of course  C. In addition  D. Besides正确答案:1.C 空白处缺少先行词。前面是the experience of,后面是who引导的定语从句,结合后面的make their work,可知该处应为those。 2.A 结合选项和上下文,可知该处的意思是:使他们的工作普遍适用的。available“有效的,可利用的”,符合句意。free“免费的”。open“公开的”。convenient“方便的”。 3.B 该处的or表示并列的选择关系,意思是:可以…或者…。结合前半句的直接从那些已发现的人身上获取经验以及后面的again,可知后半句是表示:每一代的科学家或发明家都必须重新学习,因此使用learn。absorb“吸收”。 4.D 该处的young指的是“他们年轻的时候”,此处省略they are,故应使用关系词when引导表示时间的省略句。 5.A 由remain可知空白处应是表示时间延续的介词,只有into符合,表示“进入到…”。 6.B make discoveries和make inventions是固定搭配。collect“收集”。cause“造成”。produce“生产”。 7.C If与后面的两个“have no idea”及主句“then who does?”构成条件状语从句在前,主句在后的结构,句意完整。 8.D 从句子结构上可以看出,空格前后为处于并列关系的两个句子,故应用and。 9.A act“行为,做事”,act as if“假装,好像”,符合句意。function“运行;行使职责”。appear“出现;显露”。perform“执行”。 10.C 由句意和逻辑关系上可知,这里的by-product“副产品”是属于well-organized research programmers的,故用表示所属关系的of。 11.B and前后为并列的两部分,结合前后两处的as if,可知空白处单词应是与research意思相近或相关的词。project“项目,工程”符合句意。aim“目标”。assignment“任务”。activity“活动”。 12.B appropriate to意为“适当的”,这里to是介词,其后应跟名词性的词,因此用动名词building。 13.A 前面是project management techniques适合于building bridges, motorways,后面是power stations were ... to the generation of new ideas。空白处单词的含义应与appropriate“恰当的,适当的”相近。选项中可以与to搭配且表示该含义的是applicable“适用的,合适的”。be applicable to“适用于”。句意:仿佛适合修桥、筑路、建电站的工程管理技术也适用于生产新观念。 14.C 选项中可与of搭配的只有talk,构成词组talk of,表示“谈论”。 15.D concentrate“集中,聚集”时,其后接介词into,表示“集中在某一处”。 fasten“扣紧;抓住”。 16.C 句意:按照这种观点来看他们的结论。follow“遵循,追随”。符合句意。 17.A 本句所述事实是一种设想,选项中might表示的意思最委婉,must和should无指责任或义务,而can的语气则过于强烈,所以选A项。 18.D to such an extent that为固定用法,表示“如此…以致于…”。 19.C only表明这里是强调其有限性,at best“充其量,最多”,符合句意。at last“终于”。at large“详尽的;整个的”。at length“最后,终于;详尽的”。 20.B 下文出现的转折词but表明but之前是作者的一种让步,因此使用of course。解析:暂无解析

考题 问答题Passage 1  After the birth of my second child, I got a job at a restaurant. Having worked with an experienced (1)______ for a few days, I was (2)______ to wait tables on my own. All went (3)______ that first week. When Saturday night came, I was luckily (4)______ the tables not far from the kitchen.(5)______, I still felt it a little hard to carry the heavy trays (托盘).  Before I knew it, the (6)______ was full of people. I moved slowly, (7)______ every step. I re- member how (8)______ I was when I saw the tray stand near the tables. It looked different from the one I was (9)______ on. It had nice handles, which made it (10)______ to move around. I was (11)______with everything and began to (12)______ I was a natural at this job.  Then an old man came to me and (13)______, “Excuse me, dear, my wife and I loved (14)______ you work. It seems your tray stand has been very (15)______ to you, but we are getting ready to (16)______ now, and my wife needs her (17)______ back. "  At first his (18)______ did not get across. Then, I got it. I had set my trays on his wife’ s orthopedic walker(助听器). My face was (19)______. I wanted to get into a hole and (20)______.1. A. manager       B. assistant      C. cook        D. waitress2. A. promised      B. invited       C. allowed       D. advised3. A. well        B. quickly       C. safely       D. wrong4. A. left        B. given        C. brought       D. shown5. A. Therefore      B. However       C. Otherwise      D. Finally6. A. kitchen       B. street        C. restaurant     D. table7. A. minding       B. changing       C. taking       D. saving8. A. angry        B. calm         C. sad         D. happy9. A. fixed        B. trained       C. loaded       D. waited10. A. slower       B. lighter       C. quieter       D. easier11. A. pleased      B. angry        C. unsatisfied     D. complaining12. A. believe      B. agree        C. regret       D. pretend13. A. said        B. asked        C. complained     D. advised14. A. letting      B. making        C. watching      D. having15. A. useful       B. familiar       C. unusual       D. interesting16. A. rest        B. order        C. eat         D. leave17. A. bag        B. walker        C. tray        D. coat18. A. idea        B. praise        C. message       D. need19. A. cold        B. full of joy     C. pale        D. on fire20. A. lie        B. hide         C. defend       D. stay正确答案:1.D 本题考查句义理解。由下句可知:我首先和一位有经验的服务员一起工作了几天,且作者是一位服务员而不是厨师。 2.C 本题考查词义辨析。A选项为“承诺”;B选项为“邀请”;C选项为“允许”;D选项为“建议”。上句是我和有经验的人工作了几天,故几天后我被“允许”自己工作。 3.A 本题考查词语搭配。这里强调一切进展顺利。go well表示“进展顺利”,也是对下文的不愉快做铺垫。 4.B 本题考查词义辨析。本句的意思为,我幸运地被分了几张离厨房很近的桌子。was left为“被留下”;was brought为“被带来”;given为“被分给”;shown为“被展示”。 5.B 本题考查上下文理解。上句中的lucky以及下旬I still felt it a little hard to carry the heavy trays.可推断出此处是转折关系,however为“然而”;finally为“最后”;therefore为“所以”;otherwise为“否则,要不然”,只有however可表达转折。 6.C 本题考查上下文理解。我是在一家饭店工作,所以挤满人的地方应该是“饭店”restaurant,而不是“厨房”kitchen。 7.A 本题考查词义辨析。饭店的人很多,所以我在小心翼翼地走着。mind“小心,当心”。mind every step在句中做状语。 8.D 本题考查上下文理解。从下文对the tray stand的描述可知,当我看到the tray stand时,内心是高兴的。 9.B 本题考查词义理解。本句的意思为,它看起来与我训练时的托盘不一样。I was trained on是定语,修饰the one,one替代名词the tray stand。fix“固定,安装,修理”;load“装载”。故选B。 10.D 本题考查上下文理解。由It had nice handles可知,此处强调移动方便。 11.A 本题考查上下文理解。由上文作者说得到了一个与众不同的托盘感到很欣喜,此处应为对能对工作得心应手而感到很满意。 12.A 本题考查词义辨析。本句的句意为,我所做的一切都很顺利并且开始认为自己天生就是适合干这种工作的人。此处表达作者对自己的一种主观的判断。 13.A 本题考查上下文理解。下文为老人对作者说的话,可知老人过来后发出了“说”的动作。 14.C 本题考查词义辨析。an old man应该是饭店的一位客人,他想表达“很喜欢看到作者用托盘工作后得心应手的样子”,因此此处应选watch。 15.A 本题考查句义理解。useful“有用的”;familiar“熟悉的”,后常接with;unusual“不寻常的”;interesting“有趣的”。从第二段的描述可知,the tray stand对我是有用的。 16.D 本题考查上下文理解。由上下文信息及本句的but可知,老人打算离开。而不是rest“休息”,order“点菜”或是eat“吃”。 17.B 本题考查词语搭配。结合下面一段第四句话I had set my trays on his wife’s orthopedic walker可以判断,此处应与下文对应为walker。 18.C 本题考查词语搭配。本句的句意为,起初我没明白他的意思。get across“被传达,被理解”;message“书面或口头的信息”;idea“主意,想法,观念”。 19.D 本题考查词语搭配。由I had set my trays on his wife’s orthopedic walker.可知,作者意识到自己犯了一个错误,此时作者的脸红了。 20.B 本题考查句义理解。由get into a hole可知句意:我无地自容,所以想找地方藏起来。解析:暂无解析

考题 问答题Passage 2  In January 2002, during the first week of a six-month stay at the Children’ s Hospital of Philadelphia for leukemia (白血病) treatment, Michael wandered over to his hospital window in search of relaxation. The (1)______ first-grader watched a construction crew (2)______ on a 10-storey addition to the hospital. (3)______ Michael’s third-floor window, Ritchie, an iron-worker from the East Falls section of Philadelphia, (4)______ and saw "this kid with no hair (5)______ face was pressed up to the window. I waved, and he smiled and (6)______ I’ll never forget that," says Ritchie, a father of three.  As winter (7)______ spring, Michael watched, fascinated (着迷), as 3,000 tons of steel (8)______ formed the skeleton of the building. One day he colored a message for the crew and held (9)______ up to the window: Hi, Local Iron Workers. I’ m Mike. Ritchie and the (10)______ crew messaged back. Over the (11)______ months, as his treatment continued, Ritchie and the crew (12)______ Michael up and cheered him with (13)______ signs like Be Strong Mike. (14)______ the construction reached the third floor, Ritchie jumped across the (15)______ between the buildings and the two had a (16)______ chat. The hard hat with the tender heart wells up (涌出眼泪) when he thinks about it. “Michael (17)______ my life,” says Ritchie. “I was a real hard-core (顽固不化的) person without a lot of sympathy. But I’d (18)______ seeing this kid every day waving at me and excited about the construction. I look at life (19)______ thanks to him. “Today Michael is a 10-year-old third-grader in complete recovery. What does he hope to (20)______ when he grows up? “A construction worker,” he says.1. A. strange      B. curious      C. serious      D. anxious2. A. playing      B. studying      C. living       D. working3. A. Below       B. Above       C. Under       D. Over4. A. watched out    B. watched at     C. looked up     D. looked down5. A. whom        B. whose       C. which       D. that6. A. came back     B. came on      C. waved back     D. waved on7. A. went off      B. went out      C. turned into    D. turned to8. A. gradually     B. immediately    C. successfully    D. usually9. A. that        B. it         C. one        D. itself10. A. hospital     B. repair       C. construction    D. school11. A. first       B. last        C. long        D. next12. A. cheered      B. lighted      C. called       D. woke13. A. discouraging   B. encouraging    C. surprising     D. interesting14. A. Before      B. Since       C. While       D. When15. A. ground      B. floor       C. space       D. storey16. A. face-to-face   B. hand-in-hand    C. neck-and-neck   D. step-by-step17. A. gave       B. changed      C. saved       D. took18. A. pay attention to B. get down to     C. be used to     D. look forward to19. A. differently    B. happily      C. sadly       D. excitedly20. A. have       B. get        C. be         D. appreciate正确答案:1.B strange意为“奇怪的”;curious意为“好奇的”;serious意为“严肃的”;anxious意为“急切的”。原文中迈克尔是小学一年级的学生,而且每天都会向窗外看,故用curious修饰。 2.D 原文中说的是一群建筑工人在工作,所以小孩在观看建筑工人在附属楼房上“干活”。 3.A 由第二段reached the third floor等细节可知,建筑物当时正从下向上建,所以应在窗户下面,但非垂直下面,因此用below。 4.C watch out为“留心,注意”。watch at为“观看”。look down为“向下看”。look up意为“抬头看”。由前文可知Ritchie的建筑工地在窗户下方,因此需要向上看才能看到Mike。 5.B 本题考查定语从句。whose引导定语从句,此处意为“他的脸紧贴窗户”。 6.C 建筑工人朝小男孩挥手,所以小男孩“招手回应”,应该用wave back。 7.D 本句的句意为冬天“转向”春天。C项turned into表示一物“变成”另一物,如·Water can be turned into ice. 8.A gradually为“逐渐地”,immediately为“立即地,马上地”,successfully为“成功地”,usually为“通常地”。根据文章的意思,3000吨的钢铁“逐渐”形成建筑物的框架。所以应该用gradually。 9.B 按照文章意思,这里的it作为代词指代上文的message。 10.C 根据上下文,小男孩写信,然后Ritchie以及其他的“建筑工人”回信,第一段中出现了construction crew这个词组。 11.D 根据as his treatment continued可知说的是接下来的事情。本句的句意为,在此后的几个月里,他们相互鼓励。 12.A cheer sb. up为固定搭配,意思是“使某人振作起来”。根据后面建筑工人们标语上的内容Be Strong Mike可知,此处为“使迈克振作起来”。 13.B 结合前文,建筑工人们写了一些标语鼓励Mike使他振作起来,此处应为encouraging修饰标语,表示“令人鼓舞的”。 14.D 本句的句意为“当建筑盖到第三层时”,所以这里应该用when表示这个时间点。 15.C 通过该空后边的between the building可以看出要使用space表示两楼之间的“空间”。 16.A hand-in-hand为“手牵手的”;neck-and-neck为“齐头并进的”;step-by-step为“一步一步地”;face-to-face为“面对面的”。Mike跨过了两栋楼之间的空间来到了建筑工地,于是可以与Ritchie面对面地交谈。 17.B 根据下文“我本来是一个铁石心肠、没有多少同情心的人”可知小男孩Michael改变了他的人生。 18.D pay attention to为“注意”;be used to为“习惯做某事”;get down to为“着手做某事”; look forward to为“盼望着”。本句的句意为,我会每天盼着见到这个男孩向我挥手并且为这栋建筑感到兴奋。 19.A 结合前文“Michael changed my life”,“因为Mike我看待生活的方式不同了”,所以这里应该表示“不同的”。 20.C 根据下文,我们可知小男孩也受影响,长大了要做一名建筑工人。所以这里问“当你长大后,你想做什么?”解析:暂无解析

考题 1991 -20.温病上焦病证不见以下哪个症状 A. 口渴 B.谵语 C.肢厥 D.瘛疭 E.脉浮数答案:D解析:。上焦病包括两个证:风热犯肺证和逆传心包证,风热犯肺可见口渴,脉浮数;逆传心包则可有谵语,肢厥。瘛疭则是下焦病的表现。

考题 问答题Passage 1  “Cool” is a word with many meanings. Its traditional meaning is used to (1)______ a temperature that is fairly cool. As the world has (2)______, the word has expanded to (3)______ many different meanings.  “Cool” can be used to express feelings of (4)______in almost anything.  When you see a brand-name car in the street, maybe you can’t help (5)______, “It’s cool.” You might think, “He’s so cool,” when you see your (6)______ footballer.  We all enlarge the meaning of “cool”. You can use it (7)______ many words such as “new” or “amazing”. Here’s an interesting story (8)______ illustrate the usage of the word: A teacher asked her students to (9)______ the waterfall they had visited. On one student’s paper was just the one (10)______, “It’s so cool.” (11)______ he thought it was (12)______ to describe (13)______ he saw and felt.  (14)______ the story also proves the shortage of words and expressions. (15)______“cool”, some people have no words to express the same meaning. So it is (16)______ to improve our word strength to maintain some (17)______.  As a popular word, “cool” stands for a kind of special (18)______ that people can accept easily. Except “cool”, can you think of many words that (19)______ your life as colorful? I can. And I think they are also very (20)______.1. A. find        B. take          C. show         D. make sure2. A. changed       B. been developed     C. been cleaned     D. informed3. A. turn out      B. take on         C. take in        D. come into4. A. satisfaction    B. interest        C. sense         D. interesting5. A. to say       B. telling         C. shout         D. saying6. A. famous       B. out of date       C. favorite       D. modem7. A. instead of     B. in place of       C. to take place of   D. exchange8. A. is used to     B. showing         C. used to        D. explaining9. A. write for      B. copy down        C. describe       D. say something10. A. phrase       B. word          C. story         D. sentence11. A. However      B. Maybe          C. As far as       D. Perhaps12. A. the just thing   B. the very mean      C. some methods     D. the best way13. A. the means     B. what          C. how          D. wherever14. A. And        B. If           C. So          D. But15. A. Without      B. Using          C. Not being used    D. With16. A. important     B. necessary        C. impossible      D. natural17. A. true        B. belief         C. richness       D. interest18. A. habit       B. culture         C. language       D. enjoyment19. A. put        B. change         C. better        D. make20. A. cool        B. easy          C. difficult       D. important正确答案:1.C 本题考查词义辨析。show意为“表示,表现”,符合原文意思。 2.A 本题考查上下文语义衔接。下文提到“cool”也有了更多意思,此处应表达世界也在变化。故选A项。develop发展。clean清扫。inform通知;预示;告发。 3.B 本题考查对词组的词义辨析。B项take on意为“呈现,承担”符合语境。turn out 结果是。take in接受;让……进入;理解。come into进入;得到。 4.B 本题考查名词与介词搭配以及上下文意思。下文搭配的介词为in,通常interest与in搭配,同时符合句意。故选B项。satisfaction满足。sense感觉。interesting令人感到有趣的。 5.D 本题考查动词固定用法。can’t help后接doing形式,意为“忍不住做某事”,原文意思是忍不住“说”,而不是“告诉”,故选D项。 6.C 本题考查词义理解。favorite 最喜爱的,符合句意“使用cool赞美最喜欢的足球运动员”。famous著名的。B out of date过时的。modem现代的。 7.B 本题考查词组用法。in place of“取代,替代”符合句意。A项无此用法,C项应改为“to take the place of”,D项交换。本题考查句意理解。原文的意思是“有一个用来说明这个词用法的故事”。 8.C 空格所在句子结构成分齐全,所以空格处应填入非谓语,表示“用来”,做定语的只能是used to,故选C项。 9.C 本题考查词语意思的理解。根据原文意思应该选择“描述”。故选C项。 10.D 本题考查上下文句意连贯。根据下文“It’s so cool.”是一个句子,而不是一个单词或短语。故选D项。 11.D 本题考查上下文衔接。句意可知应选“也许,可能”。原文并无转折的意思,故排除A项。as far as只要。 12.D 本题考查句子意思的理解。根据句意“也许这是他认为描述他所见所感的最佳方式”,故选D项。 13.B 本题考查宾语从句引导词。“所见所感”只能用what来引导。故选B项。 14.D 本题考查上下文衔接。根据句子意思应为转折关系,故选D。 15.A 本题考查句子意思的理解。根据句意“没有cool这个词,有些人就不知道该怎样表达同样的意思。”可知选A项。 16.B 本题考查语义辨析。空格后面表达要提高人们的词汇量是一种必要手段,故选necessary。 important重要的。impossible不可能的。natural很自然的。 17.C 本题考查语义辨析。根据句子意思应为“保持语言的丰富多彩”选择一个名词richness 。true真实的,正确的。belief信仰,相信。interest兴趣。 18.B 本题考查对词汇及对上下文的理解。根据原文意思是“cool代表了一种特殊文化,而不是一种语言。”可知选B。 19.D 本题考查对原文的理解。原文是“使得生活更加多姿多彩”,D选项有“使得”含义,故选D。 20.A 本题考查对全文意思的理解。整篇文章都在讲cool这个词,因此结尾时作者也紧扣主题,再次使用cool。故选A项。解析:暂无解析

考题 问答题Passage 1  Many visitors (1)______ Britain are not fond of English food. They are often heard (2)______ ,"English food is not good, English cooking is (3)______" But they do not really know what they are talking about because they (4)______ get a chance to eat it. (5)______ of the restaurants in large towns have foreign (6)______ and serve foreign food. When visitors are (7)______ to eat in an English home, the hosts often feel they must offer them something (8)______. Those of us (9)______ do know English food understand that at its best it (10)______ be really very good. (11)______, it is true to say that it is (12)______ terrible. Part of the (13)______ is that we are not really interested in food — we eat to live, we do not live to eat. So usually we do not (14)______ the necessary time cooking truly good meals. We like food that is simple and (15)______ to cook, or already prepared food which only needs heating up (16)______ eating.  You can find the best English food in the country (17)______ the large towns, (18)______ life is slower and people are not in such a hurry. (19)______, of course, most visitors who come to London do not come because (20)______ food.1. A. in         B. at        C. to         D. of2. A. saying       B. asking      C. telling      D. talking3. A. wonderful     B. nice       C. terrible      D. special4. A. always       B. never       C. seldom       D. often5. A. Many        B. Most       C. All        D. None6. A. visitors      B. owners      C. waiters      D. guests7. A. invited      B. made       C. offered       D. asked8. A. different      B. usual       C. foreign      D. delicious9. A. whom        B. who        C. whose       D. which10. A. should       B. must       C. may        D. can11. A. At the same time B. On the other hand C. For example     D. In another word12. A. some time     B. sometime     C. sometimes     D. some times13. A. problem      B. question     C. answer       D. time14. A. take        B. waste       C. spend        D. have15. A. hard        B. hardly      C. easy        D. easily16. A. when        B. before      C. after       D. while17. A. near        B. inside      C. around       D. away from18. A. when        B. where       C. which       D. that19. A. But        B. And        C. So         D. If20. A. on        B. in         C. of         D. to正确答案:1.C 考查介词用法。in表示“在…内”;at表示“位于”;to表示“向,去”;0f表示所属关系。由于这里指的是“到英国旅游的游客”,所以选C。 2.A 考查动词辨义。say说;ask问;tell告诉;talk谈论。因为空格后是一个直接引语,且引语不是问句,所以只能选A。tell应用人作间接宾语、直接引语作直接宾语;talk为不及物动词。 3.C 考查形容词辨义与上下文理解。由空格前两个并列句与常识可知,填人的形容词应与not good同义,故选含否定义的terrible(糟糕的),wonderful精彩的,极妙的;nice好的,优雅的;special特别的。 4.C 考查副词与上下文理解。由句意与常识可知,只有当人们没有机会实践时他们才会得出错误的结论,所以此处选含否定义的副词seldom(很少),always总是,一直;often常常。never(从不)虽然也是否定副词,但它过于绝对,与常识不符。 5.B 考查代词用法与上下文理解。many不与of连用;most of指“大部分”;all of指“所有”;none of指“没有一个”。很明显,C、D两项都过于绝对,根据常识即可排除。 6.B 考查名词辨义与上下文理解。visitor游客;owner拥有者,老板;waiter侍者,服务生;guest客人。由于本句中and前后是顺承关系,表达的实际上是一种较弱的因果关系,而A、C、D三项都无法必然使饭店供应外国饭菜,所以B最恰当。 7.A 考查动词辨义与上下文理解。invite邀请;make使,制造;offer提供;ask要求。游客当然是被邀请到别人家里去吃饭,所以选A。 8.C 考查形容词辨义与上下文理解。different不同的;usual通常的;常见的;foreign外国的,不熟悉的;delicious美味的。由于全文谈论的都是外国游客对英国饭菜的印象,所以这里选与这一主旨有关的 C。这一句的意思是,邀请了游客到家里来吃饭时,英国人觉得不应当让客人吃英国饭菜,而应当做一些外国饭菜,所以才让人觉得英国饭菜不好。 9.B 考查从句连接词。先行词是人,填人的连接词在从句中作主语,故选who。 10.D 考查情态动词。should表示“应当”;must表示“必须”;may表示“也许”;can表示“能够,可能”。由句意及空格后表强调的副词really可知,应当选can。 11.B 考查固定搭配与上下文关系。at the same time同时;on the other hand另一方面;for example例如;in another word换句话说。前面一句说的是对于那些了解英国饭菜的人来说,英国饭菜真的很好,而空格后说的则是对于另外一些人来说英国饭菜很糟糕,前后明显是对立的关系,故选B。 12.C 考查副词形式。some time指“一些时间”;sometime指将来或过去的“某个时候”;sometimes指“有时,间或”;some times形式不对。本题指的是一种常见的情况,不指过去或将来,故选C。 13.A 考查名词与上下文理解。前文谈论的是游客对英国饭菜的好坏有两种相互对立的印象,这无疑是一个“问题”(problem),本句即是指出这一问题的部分(原因)所在,选A。其余三项都不合本文逻辑: question(需要回答的)问题,疑问;answer答案;time时间,次数。 14.C 考查动词搭配。由空格后的time和cooking这一现在分词形式可知,应选spend,构成spend time (in) doing sth.这一固定搭配。其余三项都不能这样用。 15.C 考查形容词与上下文理解。由空格前表并列的连词and及句意可知,应选与simple属于同一范畴和词性的easy(容易的,轻松的)。 16.B 考查介词。将食物加热当然是在吃饭之前,因此选介词before。 17.D 考查介词与上下文理解。near靠近,接近;inside在…内部around围绕,在…周围;away from远离。由空格前后country(乡村)与large towns(大城镇)的相对关系可知,选D最恰当。 18.B 考查从句连接词。先行词是country(乡村),表示的是地点,而填入的词在从句中又是作状语,故选where。注意,先行词不是large towns。 19.A 考查上下文关系。前文谈论的都是游客对英国食物好坏的印象及原因,并且空格前一句说的是在哪些地方可以找到最好的英国饭菜;而空格后说的则是游客并非是为了饭菜而来英国的,两者之间存在明显的转折关系,故选but。 20.C 考查固定搭配。空格后是一个名词,因此应填人一个介词。能与because连用的介词是of,构成固定搭配because of(因为,由于)。解析:暂无解析

考题 2006 - 20.湿邪困遏作痛的特点是 A.重痛 B.胀痛 C.冷痛 D.隐痛 E.刺痛答案:A解析:。湿性重浊黏腻,阻滞经络,气机不畅,使人有沉重而痛的感觉。胀痛多由气滞,或因肝火上炎或肝阳上亢所致;冷痛多由寒邪所致;隐痛痛势较轻,为虚证的表现;刺痛多是由血瘀引起。

考题 1995 -20.我国最早的脉学专书《脉经》提出多少种脉象 A. 28 种 B. 27 种 C. 24 种 D. 16 种 E. 32 种答案:C解析:。《脉经》24种脉象,《诊家正眼》28种,《濒湖脉学》、《三指禅》27种,《景岳全书》16种。