
Rogers’ attitude towards the low-income smokers might be that of .

A. tolerance B. unconcern C. doubt D. sympathy


Photoshop中为了确定磁性套索工具(MagneticLassoTool)对图像边缘的敏感程度,应调整下列哪个数值? ()

A. Tolerance(容差)

B. EdgeContrast(边对比度)

C. Frequency(频率)

D. Width(宽度)



A. Tolerance(容差)

B. Edge Contrast(边缘对比度)

C. Fuzziness(颜色容差)

D. Lasso Width(套索宽度)


(b) Explain the advantages and the disadvantages of:

(i) the face to face interview between two people; (6 marks)

(b) (i) The face to face interview is the most common form. of interview. In this situation the candidate is interviewed by a single representative of the employing organisation.
The advantages of such interviews are that they establish an understanding between the participants, are cost effective for the organisation (only one member of the organisation’s staff is involved) and, because of the more personal nature, ensure that candidates feel comfortable.
The disadvantages are that the selection interview relies on the views and impression of a single interviewer that can be both subjective and biased. In addition, the interviewer may be selective in questioning and it is easier for the candidate to hide weaknesses or lack of ability.

I()a book when the telephone().

A. was reading…rang

B. read…rang

C. was reading…was ringing


2017年英语(一)试题参考答案Section I Use of English1. B. Besides2. C. connected3. A. host4. C. avoid5. D. involving6. A. on7. B. exposed8. C. down9. D. calculated10. B. explained11. D. Even12. B. symptoms13. D. increased14. A. associated15. C. generate16. A. in the face of17. A. attribute18. B. because19. C. remains20. D. influencesSection Reading ComprehensionPart AText121. B explain Americans tolerance of current security checks.22. C An increase in the number of travelers.23. B faster.24. D an unreasonable price for enrollment.25. A Getting Stuck in Security LinesText226. A the importance of astronomy in ancient Hawaiian society.27. C its geographical features. 28. D it reminds them of a humiliating history.29. A is fulfilling the dreams of ancient Hawaiians.30. B full approval.Text331. D had a low opinion of GDP.32. A GDP as the measure of success is widely defied in the UK.33. D Its results are enlightening.34. B it is essential to consider factors beyond GDP.35. C High GDP But Inadequate Well-being, a UK Lesson.Text436. C was contemptuous of McDonnells conduct.37. A concrete returns for gift-givers.38. C justified in addressing the needs of their constituents.39. C guarantee fair play in official access.40. D supportive.Part B41. F. Dickens was born in Portsmouth, on Englands southern coast. His father was a clerk in the British Navy pay officea respectable position, but with little social status. His paternal grandparents, a steward and a housekeeper, possessed even less status, having been servants, and Dickens later concealed their background. Dickens mother supposedly came from a more respectable family. Yet two years before Dickens birth, his mothers father was caught stealing and fled to Europe, never to return. The familys increasing poverty forced Dickens out of school at age 12 to work in Warrens Blacking Warehouse, a shoe-polish factory, where the other working boys mocked him as “the young gentleman.” His father was then imprisoned for debt. The humiliations of his fathers imprisonment and his labor in the blacking factory formed Dickenss greatest wound and became his deepest secret. He could not confide them even to his wife, although they provide the unacknowledged foundation of his fiction.42. E. Soon after his fathers release from prison, Dickens got a better job as errand boy in law offices. He taught himself shorthand to get an even better job later as a court stenographer and as a reporter in Parliament. At the same time, Dickens, who had a reporters eye for transcribing the life around him, especially anything comic or odd, submitted short sketches to obscure magazines.43. A. The first published sketch, “A Dinner at Poplar Walk” brought tears to Dickenss eyes when he discovered it in the pages of The Monthly Magazine. From then on his sketches, which appeared under the pen name “Boz” in The Evening Chronicle, earned him a modest reputation.44. C. Soon after Sketches by Boz appeared, a publishing firm approached Dickens to write a story in monthly installments, as a backdrop for a series of woodcuts by the then-famous artist Robert Seymour, who had originated the idea for the story. With characteristic confidence, Dickens successfully insisted that Seymours pictures illustrate his own story instead. After the first installment, Dickens wrote to the artist and asked him to correct a drawing Dickens felt was not faithful enough to his prose. Seymour made the change, went into his backyard, and expressed his displeasure by committing suicide. Dickens and his publishers simply pressed on with a new artist. The comic novel, The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, appeared serially in 1836 and 1837 and was first published in book form in 1837.45. G. After Pickwick, Dickens plunged into a bleaker world. In Oliver Twist, he traces an orphans progress from the workhouse to the criminal slums of London. Nicholas Nickleby, his next novel, combines the darkness of Oliver Twist with the sunlight of Pickwick. The popularity of these novels consolidated Dickens as a nationally and internationally celebrated man of letters.Part C46. 尽管讲英语的人数在进一步增加,但有迹象显示这一语言的全球统治地位在可预见的未来可能会衰落。47. 因此,他的分析会让一些人再也无法自满,这些人或许认为英语的全球地位十分稳固,从而英国的年轻人无需额外的语言能力。48. 许多国家都在把英语纳入小学课程,但英国的大、中、小学生却似乎没有得到更多的鼓励去熟练掌握其他语言。49. 大卫格拉多尔所指出的这些变化都对向其他国家的人提供英语教学的英国个人和组织机构乃至更广泛的教育产业领域构成明确的、重大的挑战。50. 它为旨在促进英语学习和使用的所有组织机构提供了一个基础,该基础用于规划应对由一种或许会很不一样的运作环境所带来的各种可能。Section WritingPart A51.(略)Part B52.(略)

The air surrounding us is important to everyone. Without air, we could not (1) Everyone understands that. But air is necessary(2)many other ways that are not always so obvious or widely known. For example, if we did not have air, (3) would be no sound. Sound travels through air. Where there is no air, there is no sound. (4)air, there would be no fire. There would be no automobiles, (5) motors need air in order to operate. Without air there would be no wind or clouds. There would be no (6), as we know it. The night time would be very(7), the days very hot. We would be forced to seek shelter from the sun, (8)there would be no atmosphere to protect us from the sun’s deadly rays. The atmosphere is all the air surrounding the (9) . Atmosphere pressure is the weight of all that air against the (10)of the earth. If we did not have atmospheric pressure, we could not have automobile tires. The tires would swell or burst if they did not have the pressure of the atmosphere against their surface.

1、 A. living B. lively C. exist D. alive

2、 A. under B. of C. on D. in

3、 A. there B. they C. it D. we

4、 A. Despite B. With C. As D. Without

5、 A. however B. but C. since D. and

6、 A. air B. weather C. breeze D. climate

7、 A. warm B. cool C. cold D. hot

8、 A. as B. so C. that D. so that

9、 A. floor B. ground C. land D. earth

10、 A. top B. surface C. face D. coverage

参考答案1-5CDADC  6-10BCADB































更多 “考研英语(一)2017年真题答案” 相关考题
考题 问答题Passage 1  Literature is a form of art that can be enjoyed without formal instruction. However, people with 1 knowledge of literature may miss a lot 2 reading a novel, short story, poem, play, or 3. These readers are comparable to the 4 at a football game who watch the game and 5 it without really understanding the complex movements 6 on the field. Although they may enjoy the 7, many spectators watch only the ball 8 missing the contribution of other members 9 the total play as well as the intricacies occurring within the 10. A person who understands football 11 better yet has played the game-is more capable12 judging when a team is playing well or 13 and is also likely to enjoy a “good” game more. The 14 is true of reading literature. Most people have read numerous 15 works, but many do not understand or 16 the author’s skill in communicating. This book17 intended to help you learn to 18attentions not on what happens. But on 19 it happens and how the author has 20it-to analyze and evaluate literary works so that you can fully experience and appreciate them.1. A. abundant  B. informal   C. necessary  D. limited2. A. if     B. when     C. by      D. upon3. A. fiction   B. poetry    C. essay    D. art4. A. audience  B. spectators  C. coaches   D. players5. A. 1ike    B. appreciate  C. enjoy    D. evaluate6. A. happened  B. taken place  C. going    D. occurring7. A. game    B. scene     C. work     D. art8. A. somewhat  B. entirely   C. perhaps   D. generally9. A. of     B. within    C. to      D. about10. A. offence  B. game     C. defense   D. team11. A. but    B. even     C. and     D. or12. A. of     B. to      C. in      D. for13. A. skillfully B. successfully C. poorly    D. badly14. A. same    B. reason    C. other    D. sport15. A. athletic  B. literature  C. football   D. literary16. A. realize  B. appreciate  C. like     D. recognize17. A. will be  B. hasbeen    C. is      D. was18. A. pay    B. call     C. draw     D. concentrate19. A. why    B. where     C. how     D. when20. A. narrated  B. presented   C. maintained  D. explained正确答案:1.D 文章首句指出文学是一种不需要正规指导就能欣赏的艺术形式,however表明句意发生转折,前后两部分要比较说明的对象应是一致的。这里的people指的就是那些without formal instruction的人,结合选项,可知空白处应是limited。informal不能修饰knowledge。 2.B 根据主从句逻辑联系,可知该处应选B项,表示“当…时”。by doing sth.“通过做某事”。upon doing sth. 相当于as soon as从句。 3.C 空白处单词和novel, short story, poem, play同属于文学形式。essay散文,随笔。符合语境,本题答案为C项。fiction“小说”,是个广义词,与一部分novel, short story构成包容关系,故排除。poetry“诗”,是个整体概念,而上文中的poem指具体一首诗,poetry与poem也构成包容关系。art“艺术”,意义更为广泛。 4.B spectator“(比赛或热闹事件的)观众”。audience“(演出,演讲等的)听众,观众”。coach“教练”。player“比赛者,表演者”。 5.C 这里是将没有多少文学知识的人与看足球的人进行比较。文章首句的can be enjoyed without formal instruction暗示该处也是enjoy“享受,欣赏”。like“喜欢”。evaluate“评价,评估”。appreciate“鉴别,欣赏”强调理解并欣赏其价值,与文意不符。 6.D 空白处是非谓语动词做定语修饰movements。occur指自然事件或过程的发生,符合该处语境。happen通常指意外事件的发生。realize“实现”。 7.A 根据上下文,这里的they指的是那些看足球比赛的人,故选game,指代football game。 8.B 前面的watch only the ball提示这些观众只看足球却彻底忽视了那些球员。entirely“完全地,彻底地”,最符合该处语境。somewhat“稍微,有点”。perhaps“或许”。generally“一般地”。 9.C make contribution to“为…做贡献”。 10.C 前边的the contribution of other members指的应是进攻方,那么as well as引出就应是相对应的防守方。根据上下文,只有C项最可能。defense“防卫,防卫”。offence“攻击”。 11.D understands football和has played the game是一种并列的选择关系,故用or来表示。better yet“更好的是”已有递进的关系,不能用even。 12.A be capable of doing sth.为固定词组,表示“有能力做某事”。 13.C 由judge和well or判断这里的意思是“不好地”。poorly“拙劣地”,符合该处语境。badly“严重地,非常地”,用于表示程度。 14.A the same is true of“与…情况相同”。 15.D The same is true of reading literature.表明该文重新回到对文学阅读的讨论上。literary“文学的”,literary works“文学作品”。其余选项均不符合语境。 16.B 这里讲得仍是那些文学知识有限的人对文学作品的理解。结合前面的do not understand“不理解”以及各选项可判断,空白处应是recognize“认出,识别;承认”。 17.C sb. intend to do sth.“某人意欲做某事”,用于表现一个人的意图。sth. be intended to do sth.“某物就是用于…”,用于表现使用某物来做某事的意图。描述客观事实,真理,或评论一本书,一幅画等,要用一般现在时态。 18.D concentrate on“集中精力于”。 19.A 既然涉及文学作品的真正理解和欣赏,就不可能把注意力集中在一些具体细节上,而应放在为何及如何上。 20.B present“提出;展现,表现”。narrate“叙述,讲述,讲故事”。真正有文学价值,值得欣赏的文学作品绝不会是一般的讲故事。解析:暂无解析

考题 “老师用‘FACE’这个单词的四个字母来帮助学生学习高音谱表四个间的音名”,这种构建知识的方法强调的是( )。A.顿悟 B.记忆 C.感觉 D.泛化答案:D解析:本题考查对泛化的理解。题干中教师用“FACE”引导学生记忆高音谱表四个间的音分别是 、、、,唱作fa、la、do、mi。这是泛化的表现。A项:顿悟是一种突然的领悟。格式塔派心理学家指出,人类解决问题的过程就是顿悟。也就是说,当人们对问题百思不得其解时,突然看出问题情境中的各种关系并产生了顿悟和理解。与题干不符,排除。B项:记忆的基本过程是由识记、保持、回忆和再认三个环节组成的,是人脑对经历过事物的识记、保持、回忆或再认。与题干不符,排除。C项:感觉是脑对直接作用于感觉器官的客观事物的个别属性的反映。与题干不符,排除。D项:当某一反应与某种刺激形成条件联系后,这一反应也会与其他类似的刺激形成某种程度的条件联系,这一过程称为泛化。与题干相符,当选。

考题 问答题Passage 1  After the birth of my second child, I got a job at a restaurant. Having worked with an experienced (1)______ for a few days, I was (2)______ to wait tables on my own. All went (3)______ that first week. When Saturday night came, I was luckily (4)______ the tables not far from the kitchen.(5)______, I still felt it a little hard to carry the heavy trays (托盘).  Before I knew it, the (6)______ was full of people. I moved slowly, (7)______ every step. I re- member how (8)______ I was when I saw the tray stand near the tables. It looked different from the one I was (9)______ on. It had nice handles, which made it (10)______ to move around. I was (11)______with everything and began to (12)______ I was a natural at this job.  Then an old man came to me and (13)______, “Excuse me, dear, my wife and I loved (14)______ you work. It seems your tray stand has been very (15)______ to you, but we are getting ready to (16)______ now, and my wife needs her (17)______ back. "  At first his (18)______ did not get across. Then, I got it. I had set my trays on his wife’ s orthopedic walker(助听器). My face was (19)______. I wanted to get into a hole and (20)______.1. A. manager       B. assistant      C. cook        D. waitress2. A. promised      B. invited       C. allowed       D. advised3. A. well        B. quickly       C. safely       D. wrong4. A. left        B. given        C. brought       D. shown5. A. Therefore      B. However       C. Otherwise      D. Finally6. A. kitchen       B. street        C. restaurant     D. table7. A. minding       B. changing       C. taking       D. saving8. A. angry        B. calm         C. sad         D. happy9. A. fixed        B. trained       C. loaded       D. waited10. A. slower       B. lighter       C. quieter       D. easier11. A. pleased      B. angry        C. unsatisfied     D. complaining12. A. believe      B. agree        C. regret       D. pretend13. A. said        B. asked        C. complained     D. advised14. A. letting      B. making        C. watching      D. having15. A. useful       B. familiar       C. unusual       D. interesting16. A. rest        B. order        C. eat         D. leave17. A. bag        B. walker        C. tray        D. coat18. A. idea        B. praise        C. message       D. need19. A. cold        B. full of joy     C. pale        D. on fire20. A. lie        B. hide         C. defend       D. stay正确答案:1.D 本题考查句义理解。由下句可知:我首先和一位有经验的服务员一起工作了几天,且作者是一位服务员而不是厨师。 2.C 本题考查词义辨析。A选项为“承诺”;B选项为“邀请”;C选项为“允许”;D选项为“建议”。上句是我和有经验的人工作了几天,故几天后我被“允许”自己工作。 3.A 本题考查词语搭配。这里强调一切进展顺利。go well表示“进展顺利”,也是对下文的不愉快做铺垫。 4.B 本题考查词义辨析。本句的意思为,我幸运地被分了几张离厨房很近的桌子。was left为“被留下”;was brought为“被带来”;given为“被分给”;shown为“被展示”。 5.B 本题考查上下文理解。上句中的lucky以及下旬I still felt it a little hard to carry the heavy trays.可推断出此处是转折关系,however为“然而”;finally为“最后”;therefore为“所以”;otherwise为“否则,要不然”,只有however可表达转折。 6.C 本题考查上下文理解。我是在一家饭店工作,所以挤满人的地方应该是“饭店”restaurant,而不是“厨房”kitchen。 7.A 本题考查词义辨析。饭店的人很多,所以我在小心翼翼地走着。mind“小心,当心”。mind every step在句中做状语。 8.D 本题考查上下文理解。从下文对the tray stand的描述可知,当我看到the tray stand时,内心是高兴的。 9.B 本题考查词义理解。本句的意思为,它看起来与我训练时的托盘不一样。I was trained on是定语,修饰the one,one替代名词the tray stand。fix“固定,安装,修理”;load“装载”。故选B。 10.D 本题考查上下文理解。由It had nice handles可知,此处强调移动方便。 11.A 本题考查上下文理解。由上文作者说得到了一个与众不同的托盘感到很欣喜,此处应为对能对工作得心应手而感到很满意。 12.A 本题考查词义辨析。本句的句意为,我所做的一切都很顺利并且开始认为自己天生就是适合干这种工作的人。此处表达作者对自己的一种主观的判断。 13.A 本题考查上下文理解。下文为老人对作者说的话,可知老人过来后发出了“说”的动作。 14.C 本题考查词义辨析。an old man应该是饭店的一位客人,他想表达“很喜欢看到作者用托盘工作后得心应手的样子”,因此此处应选watch。 15.A 本题考查句义理解。useful“有用的”;familiar“熟悉的”,后常接with;unusual“不寻常的”;interesting“有趣的”。从第二段的描述可知,the tray stand对我是有用的。 16.D 本题考查上下文理解。由上下文信息及本句的but可知,老人打算离开。而不是rest“休息”,order“点菜”或是eat“吃”。 17.B 本题考查词语搭配。结合下面一段第四句话I had set my trays on his wife’s orthopedic walker可以判断,此处应与下文对应为walker。 18.C 本题考查词语搭配。本句的句意为,起初我没明白他的意思。get across“被传达,被理解”;message“书面或口头的信息”;idea“主意,想法,观念”。 19.D 本题考查词语搭配。由I had set my trays on his wife’s orthopedic walker.可知,作者意识到自己犯了一个错误,此时作者的脸红了。 20.B 本题考查句义理解。由get into a hole可知句意:我无地自容,所以想找地方藏起来。解析:暂无解析

考题 单选题Prior to reading an aneroid barometer,you should tap the face lightly with your finger to().A expose any loose connectionsB demagnetize the metal elementsC bring the pointer to its true positionD contract and expand the glass face正确答案:B解析:暂无解析

考题 问答题Passage 4  If you are writing or studying, it (Example: 0 ) very much difference where the light comes from. People who use books and pens every day 1 to be especially careful about the direction from which the light shines on their work.  A house gets it’s light 2 from daylight through windows 3 is very good to use or from the lamps, but no matter what kind of light it is, the direction it slants(倾斜) towards our books or our work is a matter of great 4 to the eyes.  Take a book, stand with your back toward the window, and try to read. Your shadow falls across the page and makes it bad for your eyes as if you were in a 5 room.  Now turn 6 and face the window. The page is the shadow again, while the bright light is in your 7 . Try standing with your right side towards the window. This is very good for reading, 8 if you were writing, the shadow would 9 the page and trouble you a little.  There is just one other way: stand with your 10 side to the window. Now everything is perfect for reading and for writing, too.例:0. A. make       B. made       C. makes【答案】C1. A. want       B. have       C. know2. A. either      B. neither     C. none3. A. what       B. who       C. which4. A. sorry       B. illness     C. importance5. A. dark       B. bright      C. small6. A. over       B. around      C. off7. A. eyes       B. face       C. back8. A. but        B. or        C. so9. A. fall down     B. fall into    C. fall across10. A. right       B. left      C. face正确答案:1.B 考查动词用法。have to do sth.为固定用法,意为“必须做某事”。want to do sth.“想要做某事”。know知道。have to实际上是一个情态动词,用在此处含有警告或者忠告的意味。 2.A 考查连词固定搭配。由空格后与此处并列的or from…部分即可推知应选either,构成either …or…这一固定搭配,意为“要么…,要么…”。 3.C 考查从句连接词。由句子结构可知,空格后是一个从句,修饰daylight(日光)。而先行词是事物,且连接词在从句中不充当句子成分,因此应用which。 4.C 考查名词辨义与上下文理解。由句意及空格前的修饰语great可知,应选importance“重要,重要性”。(be) of great importance to意为“对…来说很重要”。 5.A 考查形容词辨义与上下文理解。dark“黑暗的”。bright“明亮的”。small“小的”。由句意及句中的shadow(阴影)、bad(不好的)及as if后所用的虚拟语气不难推知应选dark。 6.B 考查固定搭配。turn around“转身,转过来”。turn over“翻转,打翻”。turn off“关上(电器等)”。由句意可知,这里是要读者转过身来脸朝窗户,故B项正确。 7.A 考查名词与上下文理解。eye“眼睛”。face“脸”。back“背(部)”。由上下文与常识可知,脸朝窗户时,光线会照着眼睛,影响阅读,故A项正确。 8.A 考查上下文关系。由句意可知,空格前后是明显的对立关系,因此选表转折的but(然而,但是)。or表选择和让步,意为“或者,否则”。so表因果,意为“因此”。 9.C 考查固定搭配。fall across“(阴影等)投射在…上”。fall down“落下,掉下”。fall into“落入,陷入”。在前文中已经出现过fall across这一搭配,考生应能很快确定答案。 10.B 考查上下文理解。由于前面提到的是将右边(your right side)朝向窗户,并且分析的是这样做的坏处,这里肯定就是说将左边朝向窗户了,因此选与right对立的left。解析:暂无解析

考题 以下哪种情况不建议做FACE光()A.挤完痘B.刚做完激光C.怀孕D.皮肤过敏E.长痘F.身上有金属参考答案:C

考题 FACE高斯贝尔的适应症()A.毛细血管扩张B.日光性皮炎C.激素依耐性皮炎D.痘痘E.皮肤过敏F.皮肤衰老参考答案:ABCE

考题 Most Americans would prefer to keep their problems ________ themselves, and solve their problems ______ themselves.A. to; by B. by; to C. for; to D. in; on正确答案:A

考题 The author gave an example in the third paragraph in order to( ).A. emphasize the need to place a stronger value on national cooperationB. explain why the American idea has been based on individual freedomC. illustrate the fact that the Americans will not sacrifice their personal interest for the good of the entire countryD. support the idea that Americans need the spirit of national cooperation to achieve important national objectives in the 21st century正确答案:CC[解析lA项中的“national cooperation”在例子中没有体现,例子体现的是个人利益与国家利益的冲突;B项整篇文章都没有解释为什么美国价值观基于个人自由;D项“实现1世纪的目标”文中没有提及。

考题 以下哪项不是FACE高斯贝尔的适用范围()A.皮肤干燥脱水B.日光性皮炎C.黄褐斑D.激素依耐性皮炎参考答案:C